9 little letters and such a big question.
Here are a few dot points to start the answer:
Yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning 'to unite'. Unite can apply to aspects of self, God, mind, body, spirit, and soul. - Whatever it means for you on the day is right.
A moving form of meditation
A mindfulness practice
A form of self-care to enhance the functioning of the body, physically, mentally and emotionally.
The spiritual aspect of Ayurveda
A discipline with spiritual guidelines called Yamas and Niyamas
The 5 Yamas (Social Ethics)
Practicing the Yamas gives you a framework to have a clear conscience.
Be mindful to keep your approach with these is light, full of kindness, compassion and understanding for yourself and others.
Ahimsa (nonviolence) - Being kind in words, thoughts and actions to yourself, and others.
Satya (truthfulness) - Doing what you say you are going to do.
Asteya (non-stealing) - Including time. Showing up, being there and leaving on time.
Brahmacharya (abstinence) - Abstaining from wrong doing.
Aparigraha (non-accumulation) - Keeping your self light, not overusing the planet and not attracting vermin or pests by storing food. (Which can lead to Ahimsa and Asteya in the taking of others lives.)
What does Namaste mean?
Yoga is about uniting and becoming whole. It's deeply profound and requires awareness of biases, likes and dislikes and knowing yourself and others at a far deeper level. For me, the heart and soul is the deepest aspect of our human selves. The place where we are most open, expansive, happy and healthy. Our thoughts, feelings and beliefs, often cloud this beautiful place.
Namaste means I see you clearly, through the fog, through the clouds.
I see your soul and remember how beautiful and amazing you are.
I see you at this depth because I have seen myself at this depth.
When you and I are both living from this place we are free.
And so it is said in my classes as an honouring and a blessing. Meaning I honour the love and light in you and may you know this through all you experience - until we meet again.
I hope you think it is beautiful too.